
#6940 Validate actifsource project by ant

Actifsource code generator for any programming language
It should be possible to easily validate an Actifsource project via Ant in order to integrate the validation process into the CI/CD pipeline.

The corresponding Ant file can be generated automatically via Project Explorer 'Export->Actifsource->Ant BuildFiel Export':

6940 1 validationAnt

The Ant file now contains the following target:

6940 2 validationAnt2

The validator can now be configured using the properties:

  • exceptiontype: Defines the error types that must occur for the target to produce an exception which stops the build.
  • validationproperty: All errors that occur (error, warning or info) are written to this property, which can be used in the antscript.
  • validationfilepath: All errors that occur (error, warning or info) are exported to this file.

On github there is an example (Use the ant build file 'asbuild.dynamic.loading.compile_validate_generate.xml'):
  • ​See